Pros of using WhatsApp in your business strategy

Today, smartphones have become an appendix of our selves. We carry them everywhere we go, and it has become “that gadget that means everything in life.” You can pay with your mobile phone, even hop on and off buses and trains swiping your smartphone.

Smartphones keep us connected at any time thanks to instant messaging apps like WhatsApp. Socializing is a lot easier and quicker today.

If you have a company, you would be interested in knowing that you can reach more customers and a higher rate of fidelity by using WhatsApp. We are going to tell you the necessary steps to follow for a WhatsApp strategy for your business.

Create a database

Create a feasible database with updated data about your clients. This database has to be segmented so that you can easily sort the different types of clients. When you communicate a promotion, you will know which client fits best with the proposal, and you will know who you can offer what.

It is as important to have a segmented database as it is to update it regularly.

A good message

When sending a message to users, think of what you want to communicate and how. You can write a short brief message accompanied by a picture or video to make it more visual. The important thing is not to exceed 140-160 characters so that the message does not result too long. This strategy will give you a better chance to be read until the end.

The impact of originality

Think about how many advertising messages companies send to their customers. The best tip is that you are as original as possible with your commercial message. This will have a higher impact on your target and users will forward the message to their contacts. We could assert that originality equals going viral.

Time to send

You can use WhatsApp to send a message to more than one contact at once. Just select the forward button under the WhatsApp conversation menu. This is great for sending messages to a few contacts.

On the other hand, if you have a lot of customers, my advice would be that you use a tool for massive sending of messages like WhatsAppMarketing.

As you can see, it is very easy to set up a marketing strategy using WhatsApp. The most important thing is to find an original message that will impact as many users as possible. Doing marketing is constantly reinventing and updating itself.

WhatsApp is a very good opportunity to boost to your business at a virtually zero cost.

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Erik Madsen Fortea

Las personas crean contenidos. Los contenidos crean cultura. La cultura se expande a través de los puentes de la traducción.

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