Search results: knowledge graph

As usual, Google’s main goal is to offer users as much information as possible in its search results. For this the engine compiles millions and millions of data that are displayed on the search engine very clearly including extra information with different graphic details that improve usability for finding the requested info. If you still do not know it, it is Google Knowledge Graph.
Google Knowledge Graph

In this SERP we realise by the middle, to the right, that Google is displaying information about the hotel directly from its results page, with a brief description of the hotel, an address, a phone number and even advertisements with a snippet for booking desired dates without the need to access the website.

This may prove very advantageous for users. There are thematic links, pictures, additional information attached to Google Knowledge Graph. However, for webmasters this can be very delicate because many results include different links to their own websites, which means that the chances of clicking is affected by the detailed information that appear on the links, reducing traffic to the web.
Example Knowledege Graph

As we can see, Knowledge Graph has evolved tremendously over the years since its launch in 2012, and I am sure that many webmasters wonder how we can have our site displayed in such a clear and orderly manner. What you have to know is that if your company does not come out on Google’s Knowledge Graph this is because your brand is not important enough or does not have enough data to show the information that Google needs.

Therefore the only thing we can do is some of the following:

– After some research of the results that Google offers for these searches I realise that most of the information comes from Wikipedia, one of its main sources, so it would be important to create a profile “taking the risk” of subjecting your brand to the strict editors.

– As usual, Google wants to boost our social profile using Google Plus. Therefore, another attractive thing that Google might consider when generating our graph can be this, so we should not be sparing with the information that our brand represents.

– The Data Highlighter determines the most important points that we want to offer the user so that when Google tracks the website it will consider “more relevant” the content you have in Rich Snippets. This does not mean that your ranking will be better, but that the answer to the user’s query becomes more attractive. Applying this programming language to your web page can be another factor indicating the search engines the meaning and importance you give to these elements so that your site is better optimized.

– It is also worth noting that if your company appears on important public registries, is financially sound, or even better, is quoted on the Stock Exchange, its chances obviously increase, so registering your brand in an online database can be another relevant factor.

All in all, Google Knowledge Graph offers an even smarter search for the user delivering a more comprehensive view of a specific topic, with easier results and waking up human curiosity with different topics.

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