marketing de contenidos

Trends in Content Marketing


We are already nearly one month into 2017 and you have certainly read on more than one site that this is the year when, if you want to position your brand and make yourself heard, a bet on content marketing is the winning bet.


But, What exactly is content marketing?


Content marketing consists of creating quality content which is attractive to your clients so that they become interested in your content and you create brand loyalty without directly selling your product.  It could be a considered a kind of indirect advertising.


What you must include …


For your content marketing strategy, a bet on direct video will be a winning bet, because demand for this format will continue to grow.  During the past year we have seen how the social networks have all bet on direct retransmission.   Its instantaneous nature is fundamental to this,-  the users want the content and they want it now.


And it’s not only direct retransmissions, –  videos are always one of the formats that work best.  The creativity and the creation of content outside of your brand are an essential part of this.


The user expects different things from each brand, and this is where you need to position your strategy.  What can you offer that others cannot?  Think about formats that can add value to your brand, perhaps create an e book.  We should have clear what our market niche is.  In the case where you have a very broad niche, the best thing would be to segment it and create different sessions and specific content for each area.


Have you thought about letting the users themselves create content for your brand?  Place your bet on getting reviews and positive comments about your brand or product.  There is no doubt that content marketing is based on the user’s confidence in the brand, but it always inspires more confidence if the information about the brand comes from a particular user.  We should not forget about these things  when we set up our strategy.


Naturally, we should also not forget that any content marketing strategy must be linked together with the SEO strategy.  The important keywords in your sector will be fundamental when you want to position your brand above the competition.


In addition to content marketing, you need to bet on the dynamic aspect of these networks.  Even when you have an e-commerce site, it is very important that you include the “BUY” buttons.

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Ana Ordóñez

Consultora de Marketing de Contenidos y Social Media. Full time dreamer, inquieta por naturaleza y siguiendo muy de cerca todo lo que ocurre en RRSS y el marketing digital. Licenciada en Periodismo y Máster en Comunicación de Empresas.

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