twitter momentos

Twitter Moments: What are they?



If you are one of those people who doesn’t miss a thing on social media and you are constantly  updating your accounts, and you are pending everything that is being said, then for sure you have seen a new tab show up in Twitter, which looks like a lightning bolt.


The location of this new tab will vary depending on whether we go into the Twitter app from an Android or iOS.  Using Android, Moments appears in the upper part of the screen, between the buttons for “Start” and “Notifications”, while in iOS, this function is found inside “Explore All”.


What Is Moments Used For?


This lightning bolt takes us to a new section where you can see the latest news and Tweets in an instant, – it is a way of staying informed about what is happening, without having to resort to hashtags or Retweets.  In Moments, you can find the latest news and the best of what’s happening on Twitter.  In addition, it is divided into categories by topic, such as news, entertainment, the biggest stories….


These Moments are being continually updated as soon as new stories appear on the social networks.  If a certain story is of interest to us, we can follow it by tapping on the image and a succession of Tweets will be displayed.  Within this tab, you can navigate by content, use Like, Retweet it or even share it via Direct Message if you prefer.


How to Create Your Moment?


Even though most of the Moments come from communications and corporate media, we can create our own Moment, based on our own Tweets.


This can be done from the app itself or from the office version of Twitter.  To create a Moment, you need to develop a cover, which can be an image, a video or a GIF, then add the content and the Tweets related to this story, so that once the Moment is created it will appear like a succession of related content.


As the Managing Director of Twitter in Spain explained, “Many people don’t know who to follow.  This is the best option to understand Twitter without having to understand hashtags or Retweets”.


Twitter is starting the year strong, with new possibilities.  What awaits us in the months to come?



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Ana Ordóñez

Consultora de Marketing de Contenidos y Social Media. Full time dreamer, inquieta por naturaleza y siguiendo muy de cerca todo lo que ocurre en RRSS y el marketing digital. Licenciada en Periodismo y Máster en Comunicación de Empresas.

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