What kind of millionaire would you be?

millonarioWe would be lying if we said that we have never dreamt of winning the lottery. Only the thought of no longer needing to worry about how much money left we have in our account and give yourself a treat whenever you want sounds very nice. But lottery has its dangerous side: greed can lead to you bankrupcy, and statistics show that 70% of the lucky lottery winners went bankrupt in five years. How dangerous it is being rich!

qué tipo de millonario eresHow to manage our millions, in case we had them, depends directly on the kind of person you are. We are not all equal, which is why we have developed and infographic together with Ventura 24 to find out how would we cope with winning the lottery.

millonario solidarioEntrepreneurs, caring, spendthrift… Our decisions and our profile determine if we belong to that 70% we were talking about before. Do you want to find out what kind of millionaire would you be? Answer to five simple questions and there you are! But you have to be honest. Otherwise, there is no point!

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