Google Photos: To compete with iCloud, Flickr or Instagram?

In an answer to reply to the demands of users to capture and share moments using pictures and videos, Google+ launched Google Photos on May, 28th.

This new product is already becoming hot on social networks. It is an independent service to store, organise and share unlimited pictures and videos in an easy and quick way.

How did it come to be?

Nowadays we tend to store thousands of pictures and videos in our devices and apps. As a consequence, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find a specific file when we need it. This adds up to the difficulty to share images and videos with other users at once because we have to use certain apps or log in to social networks.


With this product, Google+ focuses on offering users the chance to recover moments of the past. Google wants to reach our hearts making Google Photos a place where our memories and moments recover the magic lost in storing them in so many different devices.

Now you may ask yourselves… Is it not just the same that iCloud, Flickr and Instagram offer? It is quite similar indeed, but Google Photos wants to take the lead with three differentiating keys to go up in the positioning of its brand:

A place for storage

Google Photos offers and online platform, for free and private, where you can store unlimited pictures and videos accessible at any time, from the web or any iOS and Android device.

The platform has an automatic save system, so that as you take pictures or make videos, they sync and store in your profile account. Moreover, the quality of the saved files is always high, with a resolution up to 16MP for pictures and 1080p for high-definition videos. It also includes compressed versions of the files keeping the quality and definition of printed pictures.

Save and share as you like

Google Fotos allows sharing any type of file stored on other applications, programs or social platforms such as Google Hangouts, WhatsApp and Twitter.

You can choose a group of pictures and videos, or an album, and get a link to share all those files. The recipient will see your sharing without needing and app or login anywhere, and he or she can save the files on a single click.

So this is good news! If during that trip or memorable night only one of you brought a camera, do not worry. You will get the pictures quick as a flash.


Arrange your files to bring them to life

This service arranges your files automatically depending on people, places and things that predominate. As opposed to Flickr, there is no need to create albums manually nor adding tags and descriptions to the files. The pictures will group automatically into categories… Which only you can see.

Once grouped, you can find the files using the keywords that refer to each category. For example, your partner, your mother, your pet or best friend, as well as your anniversary party or a trip to your summerhouse.


What is more, you can edit images and combine them to create collages, animations or short movies with music. Pressing a single key on your smartphone, the app will edit the picture instantaneously adjusting colour, brightness and contrast. There are more functionalities. On the left you will find a tab with suggestions about what you can do with the images, videos or animations. You can save them, edit them or delete them.

Is this the direct competitor of Instagram? We are not quite sure. But what we think, however, is that this may make Instagram start to take matters into its own hands.


Want to know more? Enjoy this welcome video:

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