Google Post, the news from Google based on sharing search results

Google post

Google reconfigured the structure of the interface and has deleted the ads from the sidebar after implementing the changes on the design of its search engine page results (SERP). It seems that new changes are coming at SEO level and in the form it presents users the results for certain searches.

The search engine has presented recently a new product called Google Posts. According to its official webpage, it is ‘An experimental new podium on Google.’

Google Post stems from a simple concept: adding a comment to a search result. However, there is still a lot to explore about its functionalities.

How does Google Post work?

Although we do not know much yet about its potential and functionalities, it is presented as some kind of social network to create content on the search results directly from Google and in real time.

It is a tool that works like a social network designed to add comments to the search results: a functionality that seems to have great potential to change importantly the configuration for how the SERPs are shown.

“Now we’re experimenting with a new way for users to hear directly from select entities they’re searching for on Google (

People and organizations could communicate with texts, images and video directly using Google, which promises that the creation of content will be quick and easy.

Once posted, articles will appear instantly under the search results, so that every time that another user makes the same related search he or she will see the article under the search results, as well as the files shared on that article.

You can display these publications from Google Post in the form of cards with great visibility. This can lead you to reaching high relevance and visual importance on the SERPs.

The official web page shows that the experiment will kick off during the 2016 presidential elections in the US: Google Post was presented to make the most of the presidential race to the general elections at the end of this year.

In fact, it will work as a way for candidates to connect with users and citizens that search for terms related with them or specific topics.

Joining the waiting list. As for now the service is not available to all users; however, Google states that this functionality will be extendable in the future to other organizations and “prominent figures.”

This experimental functionality is currently available only via invitation. However, there is a waiting list for public figures or organizations that want to try this functionality.

How can this new development affect the search results?

Showing content directly on the Google SERPs has a service potential that can be very beneficial for a great number of organizations and companies. It can encourage actions to enhance online visibility, brand image and proactive management of the online reputation.



Organizations or companies that can create attractive content and use a good strategy to produce and optimize valuable content to scale may find great benefits with this tool. This kind of instantaneous, direct and accesible content on the SERPs is quite hard to ignore. A positive trend of this functionality and making good use of it could guarantee presence on SERPs by a correct optimization and periodic updating.

Google is becoming more and more sophisticated, and users are demanding more personalized and individual results. This change goes in that direction.

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