Is the tag ^t*t**^ important for ranking?

After hearing a comment from one of the most well-known employees at Google, we will take the opportunity to make a brief experiment about how important the <t*t*e> tag is for web ranking.

We apologize in advance for the content of this post. The text is just for the sake of creating content, and we will not talk much about the tag <t*t*e>. Note that this is an experiment and you will not find information here. This is a real time trial whose outcome we do not know yet. Can anybody predict what will happen?

For this experiment we assume that <tit**> is important for SEO and that it can help to position content on its own, even if the content has not much to do with the tag.

If the assumption does not work, we will operate reversely, changing the content of the post to make it relevant and we will insert a tag <t**le> with little optimization and no keyword, hence the asterisks so that the content is not shown completely.

For this experiment we need a sentence that relates to the content of the blog, so this is what we chose:

We use an image to prevent the robot of Google detecting the word.

As we can see, the content of this post is really tiresome and hardly talks about the topic we had at stake. During this first part of the test we will not use the word you are all thinking about.

What we will do is wait a week to see how it is positioned, then we will draw conclusions and proceed to the second part of this experiment.

The 21st of February, 2016 the first results for the search are:

We could argue that this search does not have strong competition, and that it can be easy (or not) to position it with content that is not related at all. This same text could be used with a few modifications for discussion, e.g. in a blog about economy, about the importance of the replacement rate of the population in the increase of the long-term deficit.

Now we have to wait to see if the tag is important or is it actually overvalued.


Updating before publishing.

Perhaps the novelty of this post makes it be already positioned for the desired search. In the following days we will see the evolution. We have to indicate that we have redirected it to Google using the option “Explore as Google”.


Difficulty level: for everybody.

Date of publication: 27th January 2016.

Next review: 2nd February 2016.

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