The difference between communicating and spamming

We are tired of hearing this: you have to be online, whether it is in the form of your personal brand, corporate brand or your alter ego. Being online is the only way to send your message and become relevant-this is how social networks started, and despite there was some skepticism at first, brands have already assumed this as a direct way to communicate with customers.

However, some have taken communicating very seriously, and it seems like this will not stop. On Social Media there is a very thin line between communicating and spamming, and the consequence of crossing it is losing followers and reach. To avoid becoming a spammer you should take into account these aspects of online communication:

Your content has to be relevant

Not everything merits sharing and not all trends fit your brand. So do not try to. Find contents within your field or adapt trends to your market. Do not publish randomly: you have to set a clear editorial strategy. Following all the trending topics will only make you seem tiring.

Adapt content to each network

Each social network works for a purpose, and so the content on each should adapt to their features. Many brands take the same content and upload it to all its social networks, which may seem practical, but is not the best for your brand image. It is better to try modifying messages slightly to adapt them to the limitations and philosophy behind each network.

On Twitter you have to be concise and direct. On Facebook you can expand a bit more and invite people to comment. On Pinterest you have to work with the pictures collections, and on Instagram you should add relevant hashtags.

No need to be everywhere

It is not easy to be omnipresent. In fact, it is not necessary, so make it simple: there are a lot of platforms and social networks. Do you really need to be present on all of them? The answer is no. Study carefully the features of each one and evaluate what your messages offer.

How many are too many messages?

There are hundreds of studies about how frequently you should post, the best hours to post… This is all great as something to start with, but if you do not adapt to your context, it is useless. Where is the line between communicating and spamming?

The network that allows greater daily updates before this becomes tiresome for your audience is Twitter. Some brands update once or twice a day, whereas others do it ten or fifteen times a day. It all depends on how much interaction you are getting. If you publish frequently but your updates go unnoticed and get no clicks, people may be considering you a spammer. Slow down and focus on providing more interesting content.

All in all, the most important thing for you to extract from all this is that on social networks quality should always outweigh quantity. Do not forget!

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Internet República

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