New Instagram update: reel achievements

Instagram has a new update aimed at video content creators, Reel Achievements. The aim of this new update is to motivate users to interact with other profiles and also to help creators improve their content.


How can you get Reels Achievements?


  • You can only access them through reel videos.
  • There are more possibilities to get them if you make collaborations with other creators through the “your turn” stickers. 
  • It is important to generate more interactive videos, using the poll stickers or question boxes. 
  • You should publish at least 1 video per week. 
  • You should use trending audio and effects on Instagram.


Reel Achievements have been created by Instagram to motivate users to continue creating content and interacting with other profiles on the social network. This update was proposed in October 2022 and serves to encourage users to try different functions to achieve the goals of unlocking achievements.


How many achievements can be earned?


  1. Collaboration: remix a reel or collaborate with other profiles.
  2. Community builder: use a poll sticker, question box or quiz to connect with your audience. 
  3. Creative streak: share 1 or more reels in a 7-day period. 
  4. Trending: use trending audio or effects for your reel. 


How can you see your achievements on Instagram?


Once you have posted a reel that unlocks an achievement, you will receive a notification at the bottom of your screen. Also, for other reels you have posted, you can see the achievements you have earned:


1st Go to your profile in the bottom right hand corner. 

2º Go to the section of your profile where your reels appear.

3º Touch the 3 dots to know more about your reel …

4º Discover the Achievements section and see what achievements you have obtained for that reel. 


So, if you want to increase your reach on Instagram and get the achievements, follow the instructions and create Reels content. This new feature encourages you to try different actions in the Reels format to unlock achievements.

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