5 reasons why you should create a blog for your website

Whether you’ve just launched your website or had it for a while, you’ve probably asked yourself this question more than once: “Should I have a blog?”.  The answer is simple:  YES!


And even if you think you can’t keep a blog up to date, (or don’t have enough information to do it) you’d be mistaken.


The Internet is infinite:  You can always increase your content by paying attention to what your competition is doing, the calendar of digital days (the days which are the most popular on the Internet), your business niche, or the requests you receive from your own clients on social media.


Besides showing the world what your company can do, your blog will help you position your brand on the search engines.  Or maybe you don’t want Google to be your best friend?


Reasons to create a blog

There are many reasons why a blog should be part of the foundation for the digital marketing strategy of your business, but the ones below are the most important:


1 – SEO Positioning

There’s no question that if you have a web page, your blog should be one of its most important pillars.  This will reinforce the SEO positioning of your domain.  But for this to really help you, so that your website has a higher ranking than your competition, you’ll need to do some work ahead of time.


The first thing you have to do is study the key words using tools like Google Keyword Planner, so you know which terms you need to position.  If the keywords for your business are very competitive, bet on the long tails, that is, key words which are longer.


Keeping all this in mind, you can then begin to create the structure for your blog, so that the categories and sub-categories make sense and reinforce the SEO for your domain.  And if, in addition to a coherent structure, you have a blog that loads fast, that includes semantic markers (which search engines like), and which you keep up to date on a regular basis, your positioning will improve.


2 – Improve recognition of your brand

Whatever you sell, or whatever you offer, you can use your blog to explain to your potential clients what you do and what you’re able to do for them, without going through intermediaries.  This will let you amplify your brand’s recognition using appealing content.


And to increase your potential audience even more, you can also delve into SEM and paid social to share your sponsored posts.


3 – Get new clients and improve your conversions

If you’re able to position your posts on search engines using the keywords you’ve selected, you’re sure to find new clients who are ready to sign up for your services.


With a well-structured blog, which loads quickly, and with the appropriate calls to action, you will win new clients and improve your conversions.  Through these posts you’ll become more credible and transparent.  And it’s possible that this will encourage any users who might still be undecided to make that final click.


4 – Get leads for your email marketing campaigns

Another possibility that a blog provides is obtaining leads for your email marketing campaigns.  You can accomplish this in a variety of ways:  enable a subscription to a periodic newsletter which includes your most important posts, create an exclusive area for Premium content which is only available to those who register, or even provide info-graphs or videos on specific topics.


Once you have this list of emails, you can build an email marketing strategy which is much more valuable because you already know that these are users who are interested in your content and your products.


5 – Broaden your community of followers on social media


If you content is attractive, your readers will definitely share it on their own social media.  Remember to activate the social media buttons that you think are needed but, above all, keep in mind those social networks which are the most popular with your potential clients, the networks where they engage.  


It’s not easy to get thousands of likes or shares but if your posts are interesting, they will definitely go viral.


By following all of these guidelines for creating a perfect blog, in addition to improving the positioning of your website, you’ll also increase the traffic to your site and the recognition of your brand and your products.


Tips for building a content calendar for your blog

Your blog will help you position your website if you follow all the SEO recommendations which we’ve outlined here.  But, above all, you’ll be successful if you keep in mind from the beginning who the audience is for your blog and what content you’re going to include.


These are some of the steps which you’ll need to follow when you start planning:

  • Research who your potential users are, who would be willing to pay for your services or products.  That’s the only way you’ll know what content will be most interesting to them.
  • Analyze the content of your competitors.
  • Use tools like Google Trends to find out what the search trends are.
  • Listen to everything that’s being said on social media:  join the trending topics and employ the comments of your users to generate new content.
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Internet República

Somos una agencia de marketing digital especializada en SEO (posicionamiento en buscadores), gestión de reputación online (ORM), marketing de contenidos y Social Media. Ayudamos a darle visibilidad a tu marca en internet para que consigas, no solo atraer a tus potenciales clientes, sino también fidelizarlos.

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